when every word counts…


when every word counts

We understand how important it is to ensure every word is captured. We provide high quality transcription and captioning services by qualified stenographers so you get all the details, whether you’re in the room reading along or reading a transcript later. We transcribe and caption a variety of meetings and forums including:

  • In-depths

  • Focus groups

  • Conferences

  • Market research

  • Meetings

  • Workshops

  • Lectures

  • Teleconferences

  • Blogs


fast, accurate & reliable

Our team have over 30 years experience transcribing and captioning a variety of subject matter. From captioning for heads of governments at conferences, transcribing multi-person focus groups and even captioning at dentist appointments, we are equipped with a breadth of vocabulary so our speed and accuracy are never compromised.


simple & easy

We like to keep things uncomplicated, so when it comes to transcribing and captioning we believe in these fast four:

01. efficiency

We meet professionals’ diverse transcription needs with accuracy and efficiency.

02. equal access

We are proud to enable equal communication access for the hearing impaired or deaf to effectively communicate and participate.


Our approach is flexible. We will work with you to deliver work to your requirements and deadlines.


Every job is different, we listen to you to find out how we can help deliver the best outcome for your specific needs.


To read is to participate.


We put you in the room whether you’re reading along at home, at work or reading a transcript later.

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our story

In 2002, reporter’s ink was founded by Sandy Clark and was one of the first boutique captioning and transcription service providers in Australia. After a successful 10 year career at the Law Courts of Queensland as a court reporter, Sandy recognised a need in the market for the services of transcription and captioning outside the realm of the courts and the legal system and amongst the professional and hearing impaired and deaf communities. Realising she could apply her skills more laterally, and enable more people to participate in the conversation, Sandy founded reporter’s ink along with reporter’s academy, a training ground for young reporters many of whom are still in the industry today.

As the industry continues to grow and the long awaited NDIS expands, Sandy is proud to continue to lead her team in a new era of communication. reporter’s ink continues to pioneer, using the latest technology to bring connectivity to a vast array of clients from all walks of life, many of whom have gone on to become our closest friends.


Ready to chat?

We’d love to be your ears soon

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